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The takeoff estimating process can be very time-consuming, and error-prone, so it can become a bottleneck in growing your business. You often bid on commercial projects with multiple units if you are in stone/countertop, tile, and flooring contracting trades. Preparing accurate quotes to beat timelines can be a daunting process as there are too many...
We can appreciate the old-fashioned way of doing things, which is why we understand the way most contractors still do business. Most contractors still use manual workflows, such as spreadsheets because they simply are unaware of any alternative. Contractors work hard, long hours, so it is understandable why they do not spend their off-time learning...
A professional bid package is essential if you’re trying to win construction projects. Your client is looking for a well-planned, organized presentation to convince them that you’re the best person to complete the job. So let’s take a look at what information to include as well as tips for how to prepare a professional construction...
Justin Saeheng was recently the Head of Construction Technology at Stanley X, where he was responsible for the division’s strategy, vision, and overall operations. During his time there, he set up Stanley Black & Decker’s first construction technology team and launched their software platform as well as completed the first acquisition in this space for...